#TheResusTEEWorkshop Los Angeles 2019


The second #TheResusTEEWorkshop of 2019 was held this weekend in downtown Los Angeles.

22 participants from EM and Critical Care joined the course faculty Abi Kumaresan (Cardiac Anesthesia), Bret Nelson (Emergency Medicine), James Horowitz (Cardiac Critical Care), Frances Mae West (Intensive Care), Philip Andrus (Emergency Medicine), Kenton Anderson (Emergency Medicine), Maria O’Rourke (Emergency Medicine), Katie Burns (Emergency Medicine) and Felipe Teran (Emergency Medicine), for an 8-hour deep dive into the fundamentals of #ResusTEE.

Thanks to all participants for joining us, our partner HeartWorks by Intelligent Ultrasound for powering us with Bodyworks Eve and our 2019 sponsors Fujifilm Sonosite and Philips for making it possible.

The next stop is the inaugural european workshop in London on April 27th 2019. See you there!.

Can you still sign up for a course? There are a few spots available for London, Montreal and NYC.