#TheResusTEEWorkshop Montreal 2020

#TheResusTEEWorkshop officially returned post COVID-19 hiatus in Montreal. The course hosted at Santa Cabrini Hospital in Montreal, Canada took place on September 11, 2020.

In yet another educational innovation from the Resuscitative TEE Project, #TheResusTEEWorkshop Montreal was the first course of its kind, where participants had both live faculty providing in-person instruction and additional faculty who joined virtually from New York City. The 8-hour course covering the fundamentals of TEE was led by a multidisciplinary group of faculty experts and field-leaders Laura Duggan and Andre Denault (Anesthesiology), Phillip Rola, Phillip St. Arnaud (Critical Care) and Lawrence Leroux (Emergency Medicine).

Due to travel restrictions in place American faculty could not travel to Montreal. In response to this, #TheResusTEEWorkshop designed and implemented a high-quality multi-camera livestream that allowed faculty Bret Nelson, Phil Andrus, Felipe Teran, Sean Hickey (Emergency Medicine), James Horowitz (Cards / Intensive Care), and Clark Owyang (EM / Intensive Care) to provide additional instruction in real time from NYC, using Heartworks and Bodyworks Eve simulators on both sides.

Thanks to all participants for joining us, and to our partners Intelligent Ultrasound and Sonosite for supporting our mission to bring cutting-edge TEE education to more clinicians.

Felipe Teran