#TheResusTEEWorkshop New York City 2020

Continuing with the 2020 calendar, our flagship #TheResusTEEWorkshop New York City took place on October 1 and 2 in a stunning venue in Manhattan. In keeping with our COVID Safety plan, the course was held with strict safety measures in place, but with the same high educational value that has made this course known worldwide.

24 participants were led by a multidisciplinary team of 8 faculty experts including Bret Nelson MD, Phil Andrus MD, Michael O’Neil MD, Felipe Teran MD (Emergency Medicine), Leon Boudourakis MD (Trauma - Surgical Critical Care), Mae West MD (Pulmonary Critical Care), and Clark Owyang and Mark Andreae MD (EM / Critical Care).

As usual the workshop was powered by multiple Heartworks Bodyworks Eve simulators and also included the groundbreaking Heartworks AR Tablet, used during didactic stations.

Thanks to all participants and faculty for joining us, and to our partners Sonosite and Intelligent Ultrasound for supporting our mission to deliver cutting-edge TEE education.

Felipe Teran